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Exists as a response to the call of the Holy Spirit in obedience to Jesus Christ. We recognize that New England has, as its foundation, a tradition of strong spiritual values and a rich heritage of religious freedom for the common good of all people. We hold the truth that we must continue the legacy given to us by our forefathers, and we endeavor to create a spiritual gathering place that provides an atmosphere of prayer, worship, spiritual growth and well-being for all people. The ministry of the NEPC is in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, that we may more readily strengthen the life and spiritual competency of each individual by providing a sacred and safe environment of hope and healing for those who desire to fulfill their life’s purpose and destiny.


Dan and Gina Blaze are the Founders and Co-Directors of the New England Prayer Center (NEPC). For over 30 years they have invested their lives into prayer. Their heart for prayer crosses cultural, social, generational and denominational lines out of a passion to see people’s lives transformed. Dan and Gina’s personal mission statement is,  “There's nothing more important to God than prayer. We have no greater need—and no greater privilege—than to connect with our Creator.”

Gina and Dan have two grown children, and as a family they have served multitudes through prayer ministry and missions in 44 countries and many of the 50 states over the past years.


We believe in God, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.

We believe in unity. Unity is not doing the same thing. Unity is having the same goal. We believe in the prayer that Jesus prayed in John 17:21, "...Father, I pray that all who believe in me can be one... then the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them just as You love Me."

We believe in “building a bridge before unloading a truck.” Many people tell us they “don’t believe in God,” our response is always, “He believes in you.” Start there.

We believe everything good that comes from God is a gift. We believe in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and in signs, wonders and miracles. We have seen with our own eyes the reversal of natural law in bodies, minds and spirit—creating miracles.

We believe Acts 17:26 – “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth...” There is no black blood, no white blood, no democratic blood, no republican blood, and no other division that man has created. We believe that Jesus died for all, and with His life’s blood the pardon for everyone that believes in Him is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead.


Dan Blaze, President

Len Ballenger, Vice President

Gina Blaze, Director

Leslie Pavel, Secretary

Susan Reens, Member

Rebecca Garcia, Member

John Bria, Member

Cynthia Carrozzi, Member

© 2023 by New England Prayer Center

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